Prayer & Fast Week

Today officially kicks off our week of prayer and fasting as we seek God for revival – the awakening of his church, the gospel to go out and the lost saved! We had a stirring message from Simon Guillebaud this morning and we are looking forward to our first ‘Revival Prayer’ meeting this evening, 6pm at Ascension Church. Come ready to worship, practice spiritual gifts and pray. 

Why not commit to fasting and praying this week. We have arranged for a range of gathering points throughout 17th-23rd September to join with others to pray.

See below for further details:

   Revival Prayer  Praise Hour  Quiet & Contemplative Prayer & Coffee 
 Time  6-7:30pm  8-9am  5-6pm  10am  12-1pm
 Day   Sunday  Mon, Wed & Fri  Tues & Thurs  Saturday  Tues & Thurs
 Place  Ascension  Outside Ascension
   Pre-Service Prayer  Praise Hour Quiet & Contemplative  Prayer & Coffee 
 Time  9:30-10am  8-9am  8-9pm  10-11am  12-1pm
 Day   Sunday Tues & Thurs  Wed  Tues & Thurs  Mon & Wed
 Place  Lighthouse Centre Rose Cottage  St Michaels  St Michaels  Rose Cottage St

How to Pray

  • Set time aside each day to pray at home using the resources provided by email
  • Come to pray with others during the times above
  • Try prayer walking around the local area either alone or in two or threes

How to Fast

The discipline of fasting can focus our prayers in the way that a magnifying glass can focus sunlight to start a fire

Pete Greig

Fasting is an opportunity to lay down an appetite – an appetite for food, for media, for shopping etc. Consider what you might be able to give up for a day or the whole week to help focus your dependance upon and pursuit of God.