Missional Communities

Join us on the exciting journey of becoming a part of our extended family of Jesus’ followers, united in the mission to love God, one another, and those who are lost.

What is a Missional Community?

Missional Communities are great examples of missional and discipleship activity at Marlbrook. They extend our reach, enabling us to share His love with even more people.

We believe church isn’t confined to Sundays alone. It’s the people and community combined that shape our identity as a church, and MCs are a key part of God’s plan to help us do this.

MCs are mid-sized groups, formed around a shared missional passion or purpose. They serve as spaces where individuals are recognised, supported, and inspired to deepen their relationships with one another while nurturing their growth as disciples of Jesus, aligning with our church’s vision. They provide a unique platform for leadership development, skill refinement, and the practice of spiritual gifts – something often constrained within a Sunday service context. Above all, they radiate an outward-focused approach and are easy to join.

If you haven’t yet connected with an MC, we encourage you to reach out to one of our leaders; they’d be delighted to welcome you!