Community & Outreach We had a great week leading up to Easter with kids from the local area at our holiday club. There were messy games, drama, craft and challenges! We are looking forward to our next Kids event on 31st October for our Light Party at St Michaels!
Warm Space
Community & Outreach With so many facing the hard decision over whether to heat or eat, we felt it was right that we sacrifice meeting in two church buildings on Sundays and all piled in together at Ascension so we had funds to run a warm space meal. It runs...
Marlbrook Update
Our Vision, Team & Buildings Now that both churches are meeting in their own buildings again, we trying out a 'gathered and scattered' pattern to enable missional communities to plant and multiply across both parishes. Contact for to find out how you can be part of one of these...
New PA System
Church Equipment Grateful to the generous giving that enabled us to install a permanent/fixed PA. Now we've got to learn how to use it!
Summer BBQ & Baptism
An Amazing Day Wonderful to baptise 4 people in the pool…followed by an epic BBQ!
Summer Camp
Weekend Away Fantastic time away for the St Michael's family in sunny Oxfordshire...great teaching, times of meeting with God and building friendships. Not forgetting the epic inflatables!
Mission Communities
Outreach & Community Are you looking to belong to an extended family type community? Would you like to discover what Jesus meant by "making disciples"? Why not join one of our Missional Communities. Or are you feeling like God has given you a vision to reach a pocket of people...
Kids Christmas Club
Community & Outreach Christmas fun for kids and their parents. Only thing missing was the snow!