Join with us to pray this weekend for those caught up in conflicts past and present
Marlbrook Christmas 2023
08/11/2023In addition to our regular Sunday services, we invite you to join us for these special Christmas events...
Light Party Draws Cheers and Chuckles at St. Michael’s Church
31/10/23It was all smiles and laughter at St. Michael's Church last night as children (and even some playfully spirited adults) from Twerton and beyond gathered for the annual Light Party. Armed with an impressive array of sweets and a healthy dose of enthusiasm, our little party animals engaged in a...
Prayer & Fast Week
Today officially kicks off our week of prayer and fasting as we seek God for revival - the awakening of his church, the gospel to go out and the lost saved! We had a stirring message from Simon Guillebaud this morning and we are looking forward to our first 'Revival...
New Curate
Our Team It's been great to welcome Ben Notley to the team here at Marlbrook. Ben is a curate (vicar with 'L' plates!) and has just finished 3 years training at Trinity Theological College, Bristol. Before that he worked as a Kids Pastor in Weston-Super-Mare. Ben brings a wealth of...
Kids Easter Holiday Club
Community & Outreach We had a great week leading up to Easter with kids from the local area at our holiday club. There were messy games, drama, craft and challenges! We are looking forward to our next Kids event on 31st October for our Light Party at St Michaels!
Warm Space
Community & Outreach With so many facing the hard decision over whether to heat or eat, we felt it was right that we sacrifice meeting in two church buildings on Sundays and all piled in together at Ascension so we had funds to run a warm space meal. It runs...
Marlbrook Update
Our Vision, Team & Buildings Now that both churches are meeting in their own buildings again, we trying out a 'gathered and scattered' pattern to enable missional communities to plant and multiply across both parishes. Contact for to find out how you can be part of one of these...