Our Vision

Everyone and everywhere transformed by Jesus:
Saved from sin & death by the saving work of Jesus on the cross
Raised to a new life with Jesus, transformed by the river of God’s holy spirit

Value of inclusion

Embracing the belief that "everyone gets to play," we celebrate diversity and unity in the body of Christ.

All individuals are encouraged to step forward, use their gifts, and contribute to building up the community.

We prioritise honoring and serving one another, inclusively pursuing Jesus' way of living.

Value of scripture

We hold the Bible as God's authoritative Word and our guide for life.

Biblical preaching and teaching are valued, alongside encouraging personal engagement with Scripture.

Value of tradition

In our individualistic society, where the allure of consumerism and the temptation to think we know everything are prevalent, we recognise the importance of grounding ourselves in the wider and historical traditions of the Church.

These traditions keep us grounded and humble, reminding us that we are part of something greater than ourselves.

Traditions which lift our eyes from self-centeredness to the global and universal Church community. Provide wisdom, guidance, and a rich heritage in matters of doctrine.


Our calling is to be followers of Jesus who actively participate in His transformative work.

We seek personal transformation through a daily journey of growth, while helping others experience God's transforming power in their lives and communities.

Value of spiritual gifts

We recognise and welcome the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit through charismatic gifts.

We seek to express these gifts in alignment with the fruit of the Spirit.

Value of vulnerability

We embrace vulnerability by allowing others to witness God's power in our weaknesses.

This creates a safe space for acknowledging brokenness and experiencing God's healing.

Everyone & everywhere transformed by Jesus

Saved from sin & death through Jesus' redemptive work on the cross.

Embracing a new life in Jesus, experiencing transformation and renewal.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, flowing like a river of God's love and grace.

Value of transformation

We believe that God loves us as we are but desires to transform us into the image of Christ.

Our identity is shaped by God's truth rather than how we feel.
We embrace the comfort and challenge of Scripture, submitting to Jesus as Lord in every area of life.

Value of mission

We are committed to sharing our faith both through intentional relationships and acts of compassion.

Following Jesus' strategy, we actively seek those whom God has prepared to receive His good news.

Value of compassion

We dedicate ourselves to serving those in need and those marginalised through daily acts of kindness.

We engage in organised projects and initiatives, known as Lighthouse projects, extending compassion in practical ways.

Value of prayer

We encourage the practice of daily prayer as a reflection of Jesus' way of life.

Join us for one of our weekly prayer meetings listed under "What's On" to engage in corporate prayer.

Value of leadership

Our leadership model follows Jesus' example of low control and high accountability. We consistently ask two questions:

  1. "God, what are you saying to me?" – emphasising openness to God's leading (low control)
  2. "What am I going to do about it?" – embracing personal responsibility and action (high accountability)