
Jesus said: It is better to give than to receive
Acts 20:35

Why do we give?

We give first and foremost in response to God’s love for us. This includes financial giving to support and advance our vision and work as churches.  With this in mind we encourage everyone who sees Marlbrook as their home to give prayerfully, regularly, joyfully and generously in proportion with their income. 

We encourage you where possible to give by regular bank transfer (details below) – this is the most efficient and cost-effective way for us to receive donations and really helps us to plan and budget. You can also contact us for bank details if you’d prefer setting up a Standing Order. The full list of ways to give is given below.


Parish Giving

  • One-off amounts by Credit/Debit card or Apple/Google Pay
  • Direct Debit: monthly, quarterly or annual
  • Gift Aid of 25% added by the government
  • Secure and annoymous if prefered
  • Sign-up to inflation linked giving annually
Give to St Michael's


Parish Giving

  • One-off amounts by Credit/Debit card or Apple/Google Pay
  • Direct Debit: monthly, quarterly or annual
  • Gift Aid of 25% added by the government
  • Secure and annoymous if prefered
  • Sign-up to inflation linked giving annually
Give to Ascension


Ephesian Fund

  • Many in Marlbrook value the evangelical ministry that has been so fruitful in the last few decades with an emphasis on the authority of scripture and the missional call to make new disciples. Recent decisions by the House of Bishops is causing many evangelicals to review their giving to their local Church of England parish church. The Ephesian Fund provides an alternative way to give and is designed to help ensure your giving is used only to support orthodox ministry.
Give to Ephesian Fund



  • Cheques payable to "PCC Twerton" (St Michael's) or "Church of the Ascension"
  • Donation boxes in both church buildings
  • Contactless card reader in both churches
  • Contactless card reader in Rose Cottage
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